Artificial intelligence
Our proprietary AI uses deep learning, machine learning and computer vision. It is rapid, works offline in low resource settings and can be used with minimal training. It includes:
Prediction of medical conditions from symptoms
Health score and recommendations
Consultation for diet
Point-of-care screening for blood, vision and sputum
Developer API to integrate Sevamob AI in your web or mobile applications
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We integrate proprietary AI based point-of-care screening and off-the-shelf rapid kits with scalable last mile health outcome delivery to successfully deliver various interventions. Some of these include:
General health
Infectious disease like Tuberculosis
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trusted by Our Clients, Partners
About Us
Sevamob's mission is to fundamentally transform the delivery of primary healthcare in the world.
Contact Us
India: GF-29,30 Tej Kumar Plaza, Hazratganj, Lucknow, UP, 226001
USA: 159 Ridley Circle, Decatur, GA, 30030
India: 18001218440
USA: +14046922981

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